- 2016-08-24 11:07:00
- gokeagriadmin 原创
- 6246
团队协作妙趣横生-记DFI国科欢乐活动日 A wonderful Goke-Day with DFI Level- four students
2016 年8月18日晚上,双城雀巢奶牛养殖中心圆形的小楼一层,时而把酒临风,时而欢歌笑语,时而寂静无声,时而满堂喝彩,国科诚泰与DFI 共同携手正在这里举办"DFl 牧场高端人才培训班结业仪式暨国科活动日"Party。国科诚泰与来自美国威斯康辛州大学的教授及全球的22位学员一起,共同庆祝本次DFI培训的成功举办和学员顺利结业,国科诚泰团队拓展游戏在啤酒、葡萄酒、KTV等的映衬下,受到了参加活动人员的欢迎,团队协作概念成为本次活动日难以忘怀的记忆。
On August 18th, Goke joined with two Professors from the university of Wisconsin and twenty-two students who participated in Level-four training at the Nestlé Dairy Farming Institute (DFI) in Shuangcheng, Heilongjiang, hosting a great party, with games, beer, wine and Karaoke. They all had a wonderful day and the concept of teamwork made everybody unforgettable as well.
国科诚泰副总裁刘巨宏先生、国科诚泰牧场技术部总经理Berwick先生以及 DFI 招生&市场经理张振东先生、培训经理谢国豪先生、沟通经理贾会霞女士、牧场场长吴超先生等一同参加并组织了这一活动。来自美国威斯康星州大学的两位教授Pamela Ruegg 和 Jose Pantoja 以及来自中国农业大学、东北农业大学、吉林农业大学、青岛农业大学和来自巴斯斯坦和荷兰国际学员共22位学员,欢聚一堂,共同庆祝完成本次四级课程的学习,顺利结业!
Mr. Liu Juhong, vice President of Goke; Berwick Settle, General Manager of Farm Technology Department of Goke; Zhang Zhendong, Admissions Department and Marketing Manager of DFI; DFI Training Manager Xie Guohao; DFI Communication Manager JiaHuixia and DFI Farm Manager Wu Chao participated and organized this party together. Two Professors from the University of Wisconsin, Prof. Pamela Rueggand and Prof. Jose Pantoja took part in this activity as well as twenty-two students who are from different countries and universities including China Agricultural University, Northeast Agricultural University, Jilin Agricultural University, Qingdao Agricultural University and four international college students from Holland and Pakistan. They enjoyed a happy gathering with Gokeat DFI to celebrate the completion of the Level-Four-Course.
Mr. Liu Juhong introduced the enterpreneurial spirit of Mrs. Li Wei, who is the CEO of Goke, and a short brief introduce about Goke. “For Farm, For Farmer, For Food” is Mrs. Li ‘s entrepreneurial spirit. Four business segments of Goke: Agricultural Equipment, Financial Leasing, Environmental Engineering and “Easyfarm” E-Commerce. Goke provides environmental friendly intelligent farm solutions. Through the integration of international resources to develop the Chinese Animal Husbandry Areas.
Since DFI established, they have begun to use the accurate feeding Equipment and Process from Goke. Goke always send the national and international experts to DFI and give the elite and the farm manager in the dairy industry feeding course. Goke expectes all of the students have a good future and hopes them to make a contribution to the dairy industry in China, even all over the world.
Goke prepared 4 group games for the students. The purpose of the games is to show them the importance of the teamwork in different ways, especially the key point of team goals, team execution, team communication and team passion. The games of course can make them relaxed and they can also learn the knowledge at the same time.
来自青岛农大的逄彬彬同学参加活动以后,谈了他的感受, 一个团队不光需要令行禁止的纪律,更需要有一个和谐融洽的合作氛围。做不到之一点,团队的合作效率,团队的核心竞争力将大打折扣。
Pang Binbin, who is the student from Qingdao Agricultural University, shared the feeling with us, the harmony atmosphere is much more significant than the discipline in the team. Without this, the efficiency and the core competency of the team will be less.
Zhou Jie, a student from China Agricultural University, commented that the team cooperation and talent cultivation are very important for Goke. During the games time, they realized the importance of communication and cooperate in harmony.
来自吉林农大的刘博说,虽然每个游戏都有不同,但我特别对小鸡觅食那个游戏印象最深,环环相扣,而且其中团队的沟通最为激烈和全面。这些游戏让我学到了团队精神、团队力量有多么重要。更加意识到一个互相信任 ,互相鼓励,互相奋斗,互相关怀的团队是多么的重要!
“The game “chicken forage” impressed me a lot. This is a closely fought game, which is interlocked by cross-shareholdings. The communication between the members must be very comprehensive. It has showed me how important the team spirit it is. Even the importance of the mutual trust, mutual encouragement, mutual struggle, is quite important for a team. “ said Liu Bo, a student from Jilin Agricultural University.
All of the students were impressed by this expand games in this unforgettable Goke-Day. Not only a wise leader and strict discipline are important for a team, but also the harmonious cooperation. It will promote cooperation efficiency and core competitiveness of teamwork. As DIF’s partner, Goke participates in numerous educational initiatives and assists in establishing best practices for Chinese agribusiness to develop future farm managers and professionals within the dairy industry. Another aim of Goke is to explore and promote precision feeding and realization of “cost reduction and efficiency improving” in the dairy industry.
编辑:北京国科诚泰农牧设备有限公司 刘巨宏 黄玉庆;
Editor:Beijing Goke Agriculture Machinery Co., Ltd Liu Juhong & Huang Yuqing
Translator:Geng Ming
August 20, 2016
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