- 2018-11-15 09:29:00
- goke-admin 原创
- 6424
Oct.10, Beijing Goke Agriculture Machinery Co. Ltd. (Goke) Signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Jusfoun Big Data Information Group (Jusfoun) in Chengde. In future, based on their industry resources, specialties, business channels, investing and financing experience, the two companies will promote their joint services on big data marketing, product development, customer services, technical support and data services.
Mr. Guan Jinsen, the vice president of Goke, and Ms. Lang Peipei, the executive vice president, signed their cooperative agreement witnessed by the personnel from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party and Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region Ecology and Agriculture Product Association.
Goke and Jusfoun are renowned companies in their respective areas. Facing the challenge of the complex and volatile market, the two companies agree to form a long-term strategic cooperation based on the principles of develop, equality and mutual benefit.
九次方大数据信息集团创建于2010年的九次方大数据信息集团(JUSFOUN BIG DATA) 是中国第一家大数据资产运营商,同时也是全球第一家大数据交易所:贵阳大数据交易所的创始股东,公司坚持以“贡献中国数据智慧,激活政府数据价值,构建全球数据生态”为使命,通过“三轴一源两中心一生态”战略,构建完整的全球大数据生态链。
Founded in 2010, Jusfoun is the first data asset operator in China, as well as the founding shareholder of the world‘s first big data exchange-Global Big Data Exchange (GBDEx). With a mission of “contributing to leveraging the power of China's data, releasing the value of government data, building a global data ecology!”, the company has developed a “three axle - one source - one center - one platform - one ecology” strategy that seeks to establish an integrated Big Data ecological chain .
Goke is an international high-technology provider of integrated solution for Chinese animal agriculture Industry, with farm design, agricultural equipment, intelligent farming, environment protection, resource utilization, international financing, E-Commerce, big data platform and analysis. Goke is also the Winner of China Top Ten Enterprises in Animal Agriculture Machinery, providing solutions to animal husbandry and agriculture environment.
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